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God won't be looking for your medals, degrees or diplomas--, He'll be looking for your scars.
Give God what's right--, not what's left!
Trade God your pieces for His peace.
When you get tired talking to your friend about God--, talk to God about your friend.
It's hard to stumble when you're on your knees.
"Will the road you're on get you to my place?"....God
'Pray' is a four letter word that you can say anywhere (except in a public school).
Make your eternal reservations now--- 'smoking' or 'non-smoking'?
Jesus built us a bridge, with 2 boards and 3 nails.
Count your blessings!  Recounts are OK---

Faith is daring the soul to go beyond what the eyes can see.
Daily prayer will diminish your cares.
Giving is sowing and God promises a harvest!
Most people want to serve God-- but only in an advisory capacity.
Problems are those things we see when we take our eyes off the goal.
Do you want to go to heaven? Flight instructions given here!
Having truth decay? Brush up on your Bible!
Exercise daily-- walk with the Lord!
The rapture is coming,  get right or get left!
Smoking won't send you to hell, it'll just make you smell like you've been there.
To be born free is a divine blessing, To die free is a dutiful responsibility.
If you have enough of Jesus to get to heaven, you have enough of Jesus to get you to church.
Sit In Demonstration This Sunday at 11:00AM
The Ten Commandments--- You can't break them but they'll break you.
Visitors welcomed, members expected
May your teenage head banger meet The Ageless Heart Knocker!
A Faith that Fizzles before the Finish had a Flaw before the First.
Men will die, this is sure, sin the cause, Christ the cure.
If you don't have anything to pray about, thank God you don't.
Faith goes where eyes can't see.
When you don't witness, you just did.
We always find time for the things we value most.
If you can't stand the heat-- better make plans to avoid it.
The perfect church-- for those who aren't.
Redemption: God's recycling plan.
Salvation is free-- but not until you ask for it.
Wisdom is respect for God and making proper decisions.
God answers prayer--- not advice.
Our strength is seen in the things we stand for.
The wages of sin is death-- quit before payday!
A Bible in the hand is worth two in the bookcase.
Coincidence is when God chooses to remain anonymous.
Decisions can take you out of God's will but not out of His reach.
Remember the banana-- when it left the bunch it got skinned.
Expect great things from God! Attempt great things for God!
Failure isn't falling down-- it's staying down.
Wisdom has two parts:
1) Having a lot to say.
2) Not saying it.
No force is greater than the power of God!
If you have a kind thought, share it now!
Fear him who is able to destroy the body and the soul!
Fall seven times--- stand up eight!
Christians are like coals of a fire. Together they glow--- apart they grow cold---
The thing to spend on your children is "time".
For every sin the devil has an excuse.
I asked Jesus, how much do you love me...and he stretched his arms wide...
       and died.
God's last name is not "Damn".
As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in school.
Attend any AM service and receive a free Y2K compatible Bible
Life is our gift from God...  Our gift to God is how we live our lives!
Eternal trip to Heaven...all expenses paid.  Inquire inside! (Church in Alabama)
If God seems far away -  who moved?
God does not promise a comfortable journey, only a safe landing.
God has given us two hands, one to receive with and the other to give with.
Religion is meant to be bread for daily use, not cake for special occasions.
God never closes a door without opening a window.
Hem your day with prayer and it will be less apt to ravel at the edges.
In case of nuclear attack-- the ban on praying in school is lifted.
Get a life ! See John 3:16
We're called to stand out! Not blend in!
Is your life running on empty? Free fillups here every Sunday!
Download your worries, get on-line with God!
God is always on-line! Never a busy signal!
Never give the devil a ride because he'll want to do the driving!
Children brought up in church are seldom brought up in court.
On the race tract of life make pit stops: Pray, Inspire, Touch!
We believe on UFO's: Unity, Forgiveness & Outreach !
Unplugged?  Plug in and get current  with God!
The prodigal son was having a bad 'heir' day!
Prayer is the next best thing to being there.
God bless you and all whom you love.
If you love Jesus --- COME ON IN !
Down in the mouth --- Have a FAITH LIFT
Feeling far from God --- WHO MOVED?
We are distributors of the Bread of Life.
Get out of WordPerfect and get into God's perfect Word.
A peaceful heart finds joy in all of life's simple pleasures.
A cloudy day is no match for a sunny disposition!
Re: Video Gambling issue in SC
Vote no to bondage.
Its not about freedom-- it's about addiction.
Freedom is by Grace-- not by gambling--
If you're looking for a sign from God-- this is it! (Church in Monroe, NC)
The task ahead of us is never as great as the Power behind us.
How to be Y2K compliant (Philipians 4:6-20): Yield to God's Peace, Plan, Power & Provision.
The Will of God will never take you  where the Grace of God will not protect you.
Are you still doubting the Love of God ?
In the dark? Follow the Son!
Jesus is changing the world-- one life at a time.
They'll know we are Christians by our love.
Offer hospitality without grumbling.
Too many people clamor for the freedom to do what should not be done.
WWJD = Walking With Jesus Daily
In order to understand GOD, we must stand under GOD  (Dr. Stephen Tong)
GOD gives and forgives; men get and forget.
Where He guides-- He provides!
FOR MEMBERS ONLY.  Trespassers  will be baptized. (Church parking lot)
Spring....  God's greeting card.
The greatest Man in history was also the poorest.
Who wants to be a Christianaire?
Morning praise will make your days.
The cross is God's compass pointing to heaven.
The cross is God's way of making a plus sign out of a minus.

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Soft answers turns away wrath. Proverbs 15:1
If you're living your life like there is no God, you'd better be right!
Don't leave home without Him!
Don't leave earth without Him!
My boss is a Jewish carpenter.
The Easter Bunny didn't rise from the dead.
God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called.
Are the rules you live by God commands or man created?
Read The Bible.....It Will Scare The Hell Out Of You!
Say YES to Jesus and saying NO to drugs will be easy.
Every time the devil reminds you of your past.....remind him of his future!!!
If someone really has you "burned up," remember God has experience with
When someone gets you hot and bothered,  just turn on your "prayer conditioner".
Got somebody who's always getting your goat?   Talk to the Shepherd.
A holy person serves God passionately.
Conscience is God's built-in warning system.  
Holiness is a sign of true repentance.
Jesus Is!
Easter shouldn't be the only Sunday you rise to go to Church.
Free trip to Heaven!  Details inside!
If you don't like the way you were born, try being born again.
In the dark?  Follow the Son.
When God threw our sins in the Sea of Forgetfulness,   He posted a 'No fishing sign'.
The closest distance between a problem and its solution is the distance
between your knees and the floor. 
Jesus is right for whatever is wrong in your life.
Got Jesus?
The Bible-- God's Thomas guide.
If you're not ready to forgive--, you're not ready.
Jesus came to save-- not condemn.
Put Christ first in your life!
Faithfulness is God's requirement... fruitfulness is His reward...
Keep looking up... God is looking down...
When Jesus is all we have, we realize Jesus is all we need.
Have trouble sleeping?  We have sermons-- come hear one!
God so loved the world that HE did not send a committee.
Come in and pray today--- beat the Christmas rush!
When down in the mouth, remember Jonah. He came out all right.
Sign broken, message inside this Sunday.
Fight truth decay-- study your Bible daily.
Dusty Bibles lead to dirty lives.
Come work for the Lord. The work is hard, the hours are long, and the pay is low, but the retirement benefits are out of this world.
Everyone you meet today is on heaven's most wanted list.
Looking at the way some people live, they ought to obtain eternal fire insurance soon.
Either He's Lord of all-- or not Lord at all--!
Trust says Jesus can!  Faith says Jesus will!
If you want your neighbor to see what Christ can do for him,  let him see what Christ did for you.
Y2K= Yield to the King.
Its not what you know that counts-- it's Who you know.
God promised a safe landing, not smooth sailing.
Get Right or get Left!
A man who can kneel to God can stand up to anything.
Jesus did not drop out of school-- He was suspended.
Breathe in God's spirit-- exhale God's love.
If you're too busy to pray, you're too busy.
If you don't remember Him all day-- don't ask Him to remember you at night.
Perseverance is an indication of faith.
Jesus is my ROCK 'N I'm on His ROLL.
Do not wait for the hearse to take you to church.
If you're headed in the wrong direction, God allows U-turns.
This is a Ch--ch. What is missing? ------->(UR)
People are like tea bags-- you have to put em in hot water before you know how strong they are.
Try our Sundays. They're better than Baskins-Robbins.
Sin has no minimum wage.
Want to avoid burning?  Use "Son" block.
Life is short-- pray hard!
I pray only on days that end in 'y' !
Believe in the power of prayer!
Soular powered by the Son
Beware of the high cost of low living!
Who lit the fuse for the 'Big Bang'?
Read the Bible. It's user-friendly plus we offer tech support here on Sundays at 10 am.
If God is your Co-pilot---- Swap seats!
Rapture ....separation of Church & State!
Whoever gossips to you will gossip about you.
You don't have to dial STAR345 to talk to Jesus.
For every decision, you either suffer the consequences or reap the rewards.
God's delays are not God's denials.
Prepare for your finals! Read the Bible!
All sore and weak from Backsliding?  Try Pew Sitting and Knee Bends.
Because of the extreme hazards, the sport of Backsliding will not be allowed.
In case of rapture, read the other side of sign / Jesus is the Quicker Picker Upper
Do you check your Foundation before or after the storm?
The best things in life aren't things.
GODISNOWHERE    (now read it again)
Try Jesus. If you don't like Him, the devil will always take you back
Your best yuletide gift is a smile.
Friends don't let friends go to hell.
If your Bible is falling apart, chances are your life is staying together.
If you can't forgive yourself,  you're saying Christ didn't do enough.
The Rapture... A one way all expense paid trip for all
baggage allowed.
Show your love for Christ to someone today!    And Christ will show His love
for you forever.
A world of love makes a world of difference.
Thanksgiving is good but Thanksliving is better.
Jesus is a friend who knows your faults but loves you anyway.
The surest steps to happiness are the steps to church!
The rubber of faith meets the road of reality under hardship.
Do your best and let Jesus do the rest.
Fear knocked. Faith answered. No one was there.
Do your best and then sleep in peace. God is awake.
One birthday isn't enough--- BE BORN AGAIN!
"Read The Bible.....It Will Scare The Hell out Of

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